
Four Seasons and Medicine Wheel
Oracle Card Readings


What does the year ahead look like for you?


What do you need to do to be ready?

Medicine Wheel Reading

Oracle Card Readings can give us insight into what is happening in our lives. They can be a confirmation of the path you are taking, or helping you set right if you’ve felt as though things aren’t going the way you want them to.

The Medicine Wheel Reading helps you look at the year as a whole, and gives insight into the possibilities each of the individual months.

The Four Seasons Reading looks at the seasons and the overall year. A smaller reading, this will help you focus on the energy of the seasons coming into you life for the next year. 

How does this work?

I will use Soul Coaching® Oracle cards and focus on your name, and ask Spirit to guide me to draw 13 cards for the Medicine Wheel, or 5 cards for the Four Seasons for you.

  • Each card will represent a month, starting from the next calendar month of the request.
  • With each card, I will use my intuition and give you inspirational words and guidance from Spirit, to give you insight into the possibilities for the month.
  • I will pull a 13th or 5th card to represent the whole year ahead.
  • You will receive your Reading in PDF format for you to read and review.

The Medicine Wheel Reading costs £60, and the Four Seasons costs £35. To purchase click the button below.

Four Seasons

If you would like Four Seasons Reading at £35, then click the Buy Now button.

Medicine Wheel Reading

If you would like a Medicine Wheel Reading at £60, then click the Pay Now button.

Medicine Wheel Reading