Thank you for joining me on The Elements of Your Soul.
I hope that over the five days, you were able to connect more with yourself, clear clutter and create a Soul’s Message Collage that helps you to connect to the messages your soul has for you.
But what do you do next?
I would love to support you on your journey and the next steps you take, whatever they may be. The messages from your soul may have inspired you and you need to take steps and not sure which way to go.
Soul Coaching – 7 Week Group Program
On 22nd March I will be taking a small group through the Soul Coaching® Program. This is similar to The Elements of Your Soul, but instead of an element a day, we will be spending a week with each of the elements. This enables you to really enter into the ultimate inner and outer clutter clearing experience, and I know from my own personal experience your life will not be the same.
I’ve been using the Soul Coaching® program for my own life for over fifteen years. At first it brought me a greater confidence to my life, enabling me to be who I truly am. It’s also given me the ability to really connect to who I am and make decisions are more aligned to the life I want to live.
This is a seven week program, meeting on Zoom with a Facebook group for support as well as daily emails, tasks to complete and meditations to support you on your journey. As a bonus for being part of the Elements of Your Soul, we will have a one to one session at the end of the program to really integrate all you have experienced. The investment in you price is £349 and a payment plan can be arranged.
Register now at the Soul Coaching® page.

Oracle Card Session
Another way that I can support you is a one off Oracle Card Session, which will help you go deeper into your soul’s message and help you find ways to take action on the messages you receive.
We will meet on Zoom at a time which suits us both.
The investment is £90 and can be booked through the Oracle Card page.